Quotes & Letters
(The complete letters for all quotes are below. I have included a wide range of communications from different people, places and age groups)
"I am the one who originally encouraged Joe to use his ability and experience with large scale "live" events for new possibilities in television and Internet broadcasting... It isn't an easy undertaking to develop a program this complex and technically difficult. Joe has undertaken this project and with his typical drive and enthusiasm will definitely make it happen. There is no question about that and there is no question that it will be good for the image and reputation of Miami Beach."
Lee Miller - The number one leading TV producer for "Live Variety" shows in the world with 24 Jerry Lewis Telethons (biggest live variety show in the history of television) and over 3000 hours of prime time TV and "live" television with the biggest stars in the industry.

Joe... "You lifted them to another level; you gave them confidence; you got them to listen, project, use their bodies. You were infatigable on Peachtown's behalf! Thank you so much for giving your heart to every moment with those children; they won't forget it."
Catherine Burroughs - Professor of Humanities and English at Wells College and Cornell University. Author of six books.
Peachtown Elementary School - Leading independent day school (A Midsummer Night's Dream)

"My good friend, Joe Siracusa, is a wildly brilliant polymath, and a gifted force of nature. Knowing that you have been working with him for two years to develop anything marks you as a courageous visionary, and I believe that a South Beach based, large scale variety show presenting fashion beauty concerts and the arts for the benefit of finding and launching clean water solutions will excite, inform and entertain millions and that the timing for this is ideal.
...I have written over 700 hours of mostly TOP TEN PRIME TIME television... and created and wrote 56 pilots for all major television... I created and wrote the G.I. Joe Franchise, and also created THE BIONIC SIX, DEFENDERS OF THE EARTH and with my good friend and frequent collaborator, the magnificent, Stan Lee, created THE MARVEL ACTION HOUR... I also wrote the first 64 episodes of THE TRANSFORMERS for television and wrote the animated feature THE TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE... Sincerely, Ron Friedman
Lee Miller, Ron Friedman, Sam Denoff, Chester Krumholz, Irv & Tex Elman and Bobby Finkel are how I learned about writing, directing and producing episodic and "Live" TV. It is to them that I am very thankful for this knowledge of the world of television. Now I am working on new and exciting opportunities for broadcasting "Live" theatre and events over the Internet. joe s.

Theatre is my love and television, especially "Live TV"; has the edge, the speed of production and the thrill to captivate an audience. The unchartered area of social media will bring many applications for all age groups and backgrounds to broadcast worldwide over the Internet. A myriad of new people will have a voice in the media.
Dear Mr. Siracusa:
On behalf of the Quebec Government... I would like to thank you for inviting La ' Petite Fanfare to perform at WorldFest... I also want to congratulate you for the high quality program you prepared. --Without a doubt, such a festival helps to develop international awareness within the community and provides the opportunity to experience forms of art and cultures that would not otherwise be available.
Again thank you and bravo for the beautiful program!
Francoise Cloutier, Public Affairs Counsellor

Richard & John Contiguglia. Identical twins, Duo-Pianists, Yale School of Music. Like one person with four hands.
Dear Joe:
This letter is long overdue. _Four months after the event we are still reflecting on the quality which you made possible for both of us and your audience. I use the word quality advisedly because you did everything possible to make our concert as fine as it could be. First, the Steinway Pianos were superb! Also the sound system and outdoor stage facilities were superior. It is not easy to play pianos outdoors. However, your stage construction created for us, while performing, a very natural live sound, while the amplification system neither distorted or interfered with what we heard. Most importantly, your desire to include classical music in a festival-format that had broad, cultural appeal bespeaks a vision, a dream, of reaching out to a public that most other promoters would have ignored... Cordially, Richard Contiguglia
I as happy to sit in on the class and enjoyed it very much. I would have loved to participate... I'll let you know if there is any way I can squeeze a trip to Buffalo in b/c I would really love to see the show. What you and Brian did left me want more, keep it up! Louise Wilson, Cayuga Community College, Director of Alumni Affairs (workshop RICHARD III)
John Robbins (Professor Cornell University) just wrote me about a seminar I'm doing for his graduate class in April, and he included the following:
Joe and Brian came to my class (HAMLET) last Thursday, and it was a hit! The students really enjoyed it... I can't tell you how grateful I am that you put us in touch last summer.
Catherine Burroughs, Professor Wells College/Cornell University

Dear Mr. Siracusa!
On that way we want to thank You for directing "Berlin HermannPlatz"... Your work has shown that high quality theatre is possible, necessary and interesting for themselves. It is an impulse for a new and special kind of theatre, people don't see often in this city and a way of kommunication between people of several countries and languages...
Sincerely, D. Salje
BERLIN HAT FEBER International Guest Directors Series - joe s. created and directed a Cabaret with 38 WAR REFUGEES from Beirut

There were five invitations for the BERLIN HAT FEBER Guest Directors Series.
David Byrne, Talking Heads
Phillip Glass, Composer/Director
Richard Schechner, Theatre Director
Andrzej Wajda, Polish Film Director
and joe s. (PHONE BOOTH)
Joe's project was in the Kreuzberg Ghetto in Berlin before the Berlin Wall came down in a theatre that had been closed for a few decades because of the neighborhood conditions. The 38 War Refugees from several countries sent him the telegram (right) for Christmas.
Add Text Here...

Special project on Cayuga Lake directing "The Willow Scene" from OTHELLO in 5 languages with joe s. who created the concept and orchestrated the collaboration with Cornell University and Wells College. This was part of Cornell's summer program. The famous scene from OTHELLO was done in Arabic, Urdu, Japanese, Spanish and English in different combinations to explore and experience the rhythmic contrast of Shakespeare in myriad of cultural diversity.
With special guest Khadijah Williams.

Upper right note, "Thank you. Hope you visit Qatar soon." Lower right circle around sun, "If you ever go to Mexico give me a call."
Cornell University and Wells College OTHELLO in 5 Languages

David Amram is a world renowned conductor, composer and virtuoso musician. He is one of the great American artists of all time. David started Shakespeare in the Park with Joe Papp in New York. He was the composer and conductor for the first sixteen years. Personal handwritten note above,
"The drama, music, theatre and dance from many parts of the world showed Atlanta to be in the forefront of the performing arts in America. WorldFest is a dream come true for countless artists who wish to share a sense of honesty through their work..."

"Dear Joseph:
Your plans for WorldFest Miami Beach are impressive and exciting. This project has tremendous potential for the people of South Florida especially in the area of international cultural development for tourism and trade. I salute the groundwork you have done regarding this event..."
Mayor Alex Penelas Metropolitan Dade County

Dear People, ..."It has been a long turbulent and exciting period, in which The Melkweg was founded, developed and got established as an international arts center. Now the time has come to leave. For me, and also for Marion Onnekink, who has worked, as you know, for a long time in the theatre department. We would like to thank you for the cooperation over the past years, the inspiration you gave to The Melkweg and the beautiful memories we share. ...Both Marion and I will continue to work with theatre and festivals. Therefore we ask you to keep us informed about your activities and plans. ...I wish you health and happiness, and thanks for eveything. Wouter de Boer
Wouter and Marion were great friends for years. He was also the founder of THE MELKWEG (a prototype for art centers at the time) and the FESTIVAL OF FOOLS (the grandfather festival that became the archetype and cornerstone for an extensive Theatre Festival Network across Europe.

Amsterdam will always remain a special time. The theatre festival circuit was where we saw great shows from all over the world and had the opportunity to perform at some of the most wonderful theatres in Europe.
"We salute your vision and ability to act as Festival Director for WorldFest." Carl P. Johnson, Director Government Relations.
ICM Artists, LTD New York Dear Joseph:
"I want to congratulate you on a most successful festival. The Contiguglias were delighted with the level of production quality and the professionalism of the event." Paul C. Bongiorno ICM Artists LTD
"Congratulations on another great WorldFest... Like last year the event was an incredible success both for you and the Metro Area. The Belgian Consul General was also extremely pleased... the Belgian Consulate was so impressed with the inquiries and turn out that they flew down addition information and brochures from New York... Congratulations again, and I am happy that my law firm and I were able to support you again this year for another outstanding festival. Joe Joseph A. D'Amico
CHILDRESS KLEIN PROPERTIES Mr. Joseph M. Siracusa, Producer, The Phone Booth International Bureau For Culture
"I want you to know how much I appreciate your efforts and involvement in WorldFest... the festival turned out to be a magnificent event. I was particularly impressed with the quality of entertainment provided. In addition, The Galleria Gardens were completely transformed for the weekend. I enjoyed working with you and look forward to doing so again next year. Again, thank you and congratulations.
Tad Leithead, Partner

"The World is Playing Soon at a Festival Near You"
WorldFest at The Galleria Gardens, Atlanta
joe s. introduced nearly 200 international artists to the U.S., mostly personal friends from the Festival Network in Europe , and who went on to become highly acclaimed in their home land. Isaac Hayes heard about the festival and called from Los Angeles to see if he could fly in to open the event and greet the people. And he did! After doing WorldFest two times, joe s. went to discover Lee Miller, Los Angeles, Hollywood and the world of "Live TV."

Letters from corporatons, law firms, politicians, educators, government cultural officials, vendors, artists, agents, business people, developers and of course children.

Peachtown Elementary - One of the leading independent day schools. Aurora, New York.
"People even said we were better than the high school who put on the same play."

Lee Miller recently left the planet with angels on a stardust journey and Ron Friedman, both two very major successful people in Hollywood; both are Carnegie Mellon University Alums and ironically were fraternity brothers when they studied there. These wonderful people I am so grateful for, and Charlene Parsons as well, for all three have supported me in a big way.

These past three years, I have become dedicated to growing and teaching people about organic, heirloom seeds with no herbicides, pesticides or fertilizer. My good friend and partner is TOMATOMAN. We have established Tomatoman Farm in Paisley, Florida.
The H2O crises and chemically created foods present leathal problems for everyone. Hopefully, we will be able to raise funding with a TV special and social media, to make sure that children and everybody has a safe, healthy future to look forward to. joe s.